- How are Blackness and Whiteness Embodied in the Clinical Encounter?Saturday, February 22nd, 2025. Online from 12 Noon – 2:00PM/Eastern. Although therapists and patients have always lived in a world roiled by racism, few psychoanalytic therapists have examined how racial differences affect the clinical situation. In the hope of bringing this important matter to the forefront of our attention, this conversation focuses on the embodiment of blackness and whiteness within therapeutic contexts. THE EMBODIMENT SERIES OF 2024-2025 WITH MODERATOR-HOSTSDORIS BROTHERS, PhD and JON SLETVOLD, PsyD How … Continue reading “How are Blackness and Whiteness Embodied in the Clinical Encounter?”
- How are Sex and Gender Embodied in the TherapeuticRelationship?Saturday, December 7th, 2024. Online from 12 Noon – 2:00PM/Eastern. From the earliest beginnings of psychoanalysis, perceptions of sex and gender have greatly influenced the therapeutic relationship. Our speakers examine sex and gender in contemporary clinical practice from a variety of perspectives. The William Alanson White Institutein collaboration with The Wilheim Reich Center for the Study of Embodiment THE EMBODIMENT SERIES OF 2024-2025 WITH MODERATOR-HOSTSDORIS BROTHERS, PhD and JON SLETVOLD, PsyD How are Sex and Gender … Continue reading “How are Sex and Gender Embodied in the TherapeuticRelationship?”
- Can the Body Psychotherapies Integrate with Psychoanalysis?The William Alanson White Institutein collaboration with The Wilheim Reich Center for the Study of Embodiment ANNOUNCE THE EMBODIMENT SERIES OF 2024-2025 WITH MODERATOR-HOSTSDORIS BROTHERS, PhD and JON SLETVOLD, PsyD STARTING WITHCan the Body Psychotherapies Integrate with Psychoanalysis? SCOTT BAUM, PhD, ABPPCARON HARRANG, LICSW, FIA, BCPSALYNNE JACOBS, PhDDAVID LEVIT, PhD, ABPP, SEP Online Presentation and DiscussionSATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 14th, 202412 Noon-2:00PM/EASTERN TIME COSTSProfessionals $50Candidates and Students $30 3 CEs are Offered Visit William Alanson White Institute of … Continue reading “Can the Body Psychotherapies Integrate with Psychoanalysis?”
- How Does Early Development Affect the Embodiment of the Clinical Encounter?WAWI William Alanson White Institute IN COLLABORATION WITH THE WILHELM REICH CENTER FOR THE STUDY OF EMBODIMENT How Does Early Development Affect the Embodiment of the Clinical Encounter? SPEAKERS Ruella Frank, Zeynep Catay, Julianne Appel-Opper, Helena Vissing MODERATORS DORIS BROTHERS & JON SLETVOLD SATURDAY, JUNE 1st12 Noon – 2:00 PM/Eastern There can be little doubt that babies communicate with their caregiversthrough body–to–body interactions. However, there are many ways to understand how these early interactions affect the embodiment … Continue reading “How Does Early Development Affect the Embodiment of the Clinical Encounter?”
- How are Trauma and Dissociation Embodied?The Wilhelm Reich Center for the Study of Embodiment in collaboration with The William Alanson White Institute of Psychiatry, Psychoanalysis & Psychology Present How are Trauma and Dissociation Embodied? February 24th, 202412 noon to 2:00 PM, EST Although it is widely acknowledged that trauma and dissociation profoundly affect our bodies, answers to questions about just how they are embodied vary greatly. A clinician’s understanding of the bodily effects of trauma and dissociation has important implications for … Continue reading “How are Trauma and Dissociation Embodied?”
- What is Embodiment in Clinical Practice?The Wilhelm Reich Center for the Psychoanalytic Study of Embodiment in collaboration with The William Alanson White Institute of Psychiatry, Psychoanalysis & Psychology Present What is Embodiment in Clinical Practice? November 18th, 202312 noon to 1:30 PM, EST Humans are fundamentally embodied! While clinicians starting with Freud have either explicitly or implicitly endorsed this idea there is no agreement about just what embodiment means in clinical practice. There is much to be learned from the … Continue reading “What is Embodiment in Clinical Practice?”