
  • Write-up – Julianne Appel-Opper
    How Does Early Development Affect the Embodiment of the Clinical Encounter? Julianne Appel-Opper In my contribution, I focus on body-body-communications in therapeutic sessions. We learn an embodied language before we learn words and we continue to communicate in this language. We tell embodied stories with rhythms of moving and breathing, and melodies of gestures and … Continue reading “Write-up – Julianne Appel-Opper”
  • Write-up – Ruella Frank
    How does early development effect the embodiment of the clinical encounter? Ruella Frank, PhD I practice as a gestalt psychotherapist; my practice is phenomenological and aesthetic. I began my training in 1982. Before that time, I studied infant movements patterns for some years. I learned the work of  Bonnie Bainbridge-Cohen, who worked with developmentally delayed … Continue reading “Write-up – Ruella Frank”
  • Write-up – Helena Vissing
    How Does Early Development Affect the Embodiment of the Clinical Encounter? Helena Vissing, PsyD I want to start with a statement that in the shortest – and perhaps a bit hyperbolic – way captures my take on the question of how early development affect the embodiment of the clinical encounter and the statement is this: … Continue reading “Write-up – Helena Vissing”
  • Write-up – Heather Ferguson
    The Wilheim Reich Center for the Study of Embodiment Feb 24, 2024 Reflections On How Trauma and Dissociation Are Embodied Heather Ferguson, LCSW I want to acknowledge the panelists’ significant contributions to the study of aesthetic, improvisational, sensorial, unconscious, and intergenerational dimensions in the therapeutic exchange. Recently, I have integrated creative imagery from clinical hypnosis, … Continue reading “Write-up – Heather Ferguson”
  • Embodied effects of Trauma and Dissociation and a Clinical approach
    by Henry Markman In this limited time I’m going talk about my work with traumatized-dissociated patients, particularly those with early relational developmental trauma, and some of the ideas the guide me. We can’t talk about trauma and dissociation without talking about the body and embodiment—both the patient’s body and the therapist’s body. We also can’t … Continue reading “Embodied effects of Trauma and Dissociation and a Clinical approach”